Friday 6 February 2015


To think that I just doodled this one. Never mind that dude drawn in red. Characters are Kaoru Mori's.
I like to draw details. Hardcore details. But as of now, I can only do...smaller stuff. Like the one above. But it's still a fresh return from three of my memorable detailed drawings.

My first detailed drawings (2013). Otoyomegatari-inspired.
It's amazing that I can actually do that, out of random boredom. What can I do if I actually did it out of MOTIVATION? Maybe, just maybe...

But while these are just doodles, it's nice that I still got that spark. I'll be using that spark for a while, especially for the detailed drawings that I want to make.

Monday 2 February 2015

"Pinta" process

This time, it's new art. FINALLY. Something current. But I fear that by the time I will post again, it will be full of pictures.

Pictures like the ones BELOW.

Okay, maybe I'll add in some occasional write-ups, but...that is something that I'm not really sure of.

Inking the sketch is ALWAYS the scariest part.

Scary part done. Now on to scary part II.

So far so good.


Sunday 1 February 2015

Manga Recommendation: Yostubato! by Azuma Kiyohiko

The protagonist (center) with her older friends.
I'm not reading any books right now, so as I look for excuses as to why not, I have remembered an amazing, adorable, and awesome manga while listening to an equally amazing, adorable and awesome soundtrack.

If you like the following things I'm going to mention, then Yotsubato! may be the one for you:

  • A quirky young child who makes the mundane days a bit more exciting
  • A quirky dad who is fun and just wants his daughter to at least stay safe
  • Quirky neighbors composed of three sisters whose personalities are as different as A, B and C
  • Quirky dad's quirky friends who add more spice
  • Quirky slice of life stuff to top it off

You can read it online here, here, or here.

"A Hidden Queen" process

I fail miserably at making titles. Forgive me.

This was my first masterpiece. I consider this one as a masterpiece. The year 2013 was the year of me experimenting with OCs and humongous details (as a result of reading Otoyomegatari).

This is an old process that I managed to save even with the blurriness and sketchiness of all it all. Sketched with a pencil and inked with a sign pen. Pictured with old cellphone. Finished in 2013.