Thursday 20 June 2013

1st Musing: 1st post

Writing is like an absorbent sponge. It drains the ideas that you want and don't want, transferring them to a pen, where your hand will be forced to write them down on clear paper. However, most of the 'I want' ideas and the 'I don't want' ideas will collide with each other along with their respective labels. In the end, it is a mess of words you don't understand.

For me, it is never an easy start. I have plenty of Writer's Block here and there, but luckily I have a tiny voice within this odd head of mine that forces me to write the story that I wanted to tell. There are lots of rules, but fortunately you can make your own rules, and that is something I will have to worry about later on as I will try to finish a story that has been jumping up and down like drumsticks drumming on a drum for a long time now.

My first musing ends here for now. Let there be new stories and other musings as days will pass by!

Typing is awesome! First post rules! :D

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