Sunday 23 June 2013

I will let YOU recommend a book!

Surprisingly, I am a person who can bum and stress out at the same time. I simply multitask. But that isn't what I'm posting here all about. I wish to read, for I have finished almost all the books here in the house (and I don't have any time for the library), and I think I can read online, for we have internet connection, here...

So, just like what the post title is saying: I will let YOU recommend a book!

Dear person who is reading this right now;

        I humbly request a heartfelt recommendation from you, for I am in need of an exhalarating novel that can kick me off from my seat. You can send it through email ( or simply through commenting on this post. I am patiently waiting for your recommendation as I will fight these biting ants as I type. 

P.S. This is also for other people (who are reading this) to know what great recommendations this 'dear person' can give us. Share what you know! It's highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely,
       The Bumming Pen

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