Saturday 22 June 2013


A Short Story by Clarice Limbaro

Disclaimer: This was just for practice. There are heavy emotions within this story and it will be probably confusing. I'm very sorry in advance.

I have never met anyone who can be so...outlandish.

Our heights were a huge factor. I have to look down to see the face clearly -- a face that has baby-like features and one that has a vexatious stare, making me look away in constant disgust. The hair was always unkempt, always a sprawling mess, and I swore that most of the hair strands that fell on the classroom floor were from that head. That person chews on nails, on pencils, and even sucks on a finger.

When I had thought that I will never be seeing that person in the same household, instead of that, I was the one sent away to pack my belongings. I still remembered the stares from my guilt-stricken parents, my dog who was also close to that, and that person, too.

Why did it seem that that was crying? It must have been spring; water always gushes out from the eyes of that person. It's unusual for me to say something that I have in common with that: I hate springtime, too. Fortunately, my eyes doesn't gush out water. My nose does it instead.


"Ms. Hirayama, can't you read the words on this book?"

I kept on staring. The sudden disturbance gave my head a slight whirl, but I looked down on the object in front of me. What are they? To me, there were nonsense scribbles. An ancient language. A foreign writing from beyond.

Slowly, my right hand reached out to my other hand; both were sweaty, and shaking. I can't hear anything anymore.

"Can't read?"

"Look, our Shitsudokushō can't read!"

"Pity, pity!"

"Ah, she's standing up!"

"Oi, careful, she's walking towards -- "

This all seem so different; I don't know where I got my breathlessness. Something was beating wildly inside me. I actually can't feel anything even when I roughly kicked the leg of the chair, and to think that I was knocking off some pens and notebooks from the surface. I stumbled backwards, held onto a nearby chair, and I ran out as fast as my legs can carry me.

I knocked into people mostly, but I kept on running. There were lots of clear windows, but it seems as if not one ray of light fell upon me. I passed by the janitor's room. Too full of whatnots. There was the girl's bathroom. Too much of gossips. And the empty storeroom. Too much of emptiness. I raced upstairs, and avoided people who were carrying things that contained those nonsense scribbles.

Kicking the door open, I found myself facing the empty rooftop. There was a draft, letting my hair sway in the air, and closing the door partly. It was hard trying to calm myself down, even as I slowly sank down on the floor. I can feel goosebumps on me.

"Keiko, aren't you supposed to be in class?"

Screaming, I scrambled backwards, and there was a rapid pounding in my head. There was something wet on my face; I rubbed it dry. It was still stinging, but I don't care.

What is that person doing here?

Years of separation were enough to show the changes dealt with: the height gradually towered above me, the face had matured, the hair was combed. I wanted to push this person away. I can feel water gushing down to my neck.

"Go away! Go away!" I screamed, and I edged further. My blurry eyes weren't helping at all. Even my shaky hands were not helping much. I shook my head slowly. "I said go away..."

That person looked like as if my expression was too pitiful. Such looks were enough, I hate those looks. As quickly as I could I took off my slipper and threw it at him. The person simply ducked.

I didn't notice that that person was already holding my hands to restrain me from moving. My strength was waning, but I tried to pull free. The grip was strong.

My voice was loud.

"You -- the reason why I was f-f-forced to separate from my p-p-parents! You are worthless, cruel, evil, useless! You never made my life feel any better! I -- " I swallowed on the goo that my nose released, before continuing, "I h-h-hate you!"

Though I did mention that water gushes out from my nose, it was my eyes doing the job this time. I cringed when I felt something warm on my cheek. Suddenly, large hands wrapped around my limp body. I don't care.

I just wanted to cry completely.