Friday 30 January 2015

After 2 years of doubting whether or not my information on my old account is correct or not...

Such a long time for a comeback. Wait, am I actually back? This feels so...nostalgic.

I might be doing that right now (with the flirty wink wink).

I can proudly say that I have read (nearly) all of the 21 stuff that I posted on this blog 2 years ago. I feel like...doing something. Like typing. And actually finishing what I started.

My dear readers (if some of you are still there even with the intended 2-year hiatus), that is what my new motto is. I don't remember my old motto and probably never will, but right now, I am (trying to) going to follow two mottoes:

  • I shall be honest at all costs
  • I shall finish every damn single thing that I've started
There. A great way to start of the new year.

But really, am I back on Blogger? Did I just switch my loyalty back to Blogger when 24 hours ago I was enthusiastically trying to imagine what to post on Wordpress? What? Wordpress?! How did that happen?!

I feel guilty. The telling-a-small-lie kind of guilty.

I'm also guilty of reviving my un-explainable attraction to reaction gifs. Please don't mind me.

And like I said, I felt nostalgic from reading all those posts and all those stories that I actually managed to make and all those stuff that I actually managed to talk about here.

I just realized that I feel comfortable here. The comforting kind of comfortable (since I believe that there are two types of comfortableness: (a) the comforting kind of comfortable and (b) the uncertain kind of comfortable). 

Alright, so right now I'm talking about random topics at a random speed. That means I need to change my title into something like 2 years have passed since I have touched this blog of mine and I still don't know how to stay consistent with an actual topic. But hey, I'm improving! I'm actually sticking with my randomness! 


Oh yeaaaaah.
To end this confusing post, I will say a few stuff that I did during the past years that I haven't mentioned:
I can't believe I still remembered my Wattpad account. I still use my DeviantArt account, so no excuse in NOT remembering it. But my Wattpad account...((shudders))

Anyways, probably ALL of those will be in separate posts, hopefully. 

This is probably the only time that feels right when I say, "It's definitely been a while."

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