Saturday 31 January 2015

My blog shall remain as it is...

...but this time, it will involve writing AND drawings.

I feel like my writing skills are deteriorating, and that's bad. I need to do something about it of course. And by 'doing something', I need to write at least something. But right now, I should talk about the changes I will make with this blog of mine.

First, this will be randomly (but mostly) oriented with my artworks, and may involve some bit of writing. But that's just a maybe.

Second, I will be continuing the "Book recommendation",  but I'll (probably) be adding some other...recommendations. Lots of them. (Okay, maybe just two or three but you get the idea)

Third, I will be (probably) adding personal stuff. Personal rants?

Okay, maybe I'm more likely to accomplish the "posting my artworks", since...okay, I don't know about the other two. I'm not sure; it sounds fun but at the same time it's kinda scary?

Brace yourselves; a rant is coming up soon.

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