Saturday 22 June 2013

3rd musing: Inspiration

We are all inspired to do something crazy, unusual, awesome, and confusing things, but never normal. Such as in the case of adolescents and young running chaps, even adults.

For instance, I am inspired to write because I wish to inspire other people -- wait, inspire is not the right word, entertain should do.

Supposedly, my older cousin was inspired to teach people whose first language isn't English simply to help them. Or maybe people with certain disabilities were inspired to do things that were beyond their normal abilities. And that is simply awesome.

It's good to know that inspiration works like a machine: both your subconscious mind and active body will work together to get through that inspiration! It works automatically. It works like it's magic. It works like a dog chasing his running owner who has his favourite treat in his hand.

We admit: we're just like dogs, chasing after those tasty treats, because treats can be either good or life-changing (or maybe even bad), or maybe enough to make you say, FINALLY.

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