Wednesday 26 June 2013

4th musing: The Internet

When one is doing homework, most students would fly off to the Internet. Of course I consider myself as one of those students. And there was blog updates, manga visits, and random story search around this thing.

I'm disappointed in myself, too.

If students have to do their works, they have do it on a computer that doesn't have a freakin' internet connection (I'M DOING THAT TOMORROW).When the Net is a good way of finding answers, it usually leaks out inappropriate and obscene ones (lots of similar scenarios, I can give a million) that can affect the sensitive kind. Chances are, just like what I'm actually doing right now, those millions of apps and trinkets and search bars are too tempting for my hand to literally grab that blinking mouse and search this and that. 

And books are better. But the world is getting sadder everyday; books are starting to get extinct due to the fact that they are to be replaced with freakin' electronic thingamajigs. 

I'm either a hypocrite, or I just have this strong sense of distraction whenever I see new stories or the like. I just don't understand myself sometimes, and I don't understand others, too. Let's just say it depends on you, whether you're the:

a.) Go-by-the-book person
b.) The Surfer
c.) The Neutral (uses both, or uses a device that doesn't have an internet connection) (I AM NEUTRAL IN SOME SENSE)

You decide from your own opinions, dear readers.

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