Saturday 22 June 2013

Book recommendation: The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

One of the amazing novels by the bestselling Spanish author Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Simply amazing. I'm glad they introduced me to this author. I still haven't gotten over The Prince of Mist. 

My cousin bought it from the mall and showed me THIS MASTERPIECE. I am an avid reader whenever a certain story comes to any historical account.

The cover shows clearly enough that the story is set during the-days-when-I-haven't-got-any-idea-what-my-grandparents-were-talking-about. Set in Spain, this story has a dreamy and mysterious atmosphere where it revolves around the main character trying to know the hidden secrets within the forgotten book and author.

It really is intriguing, refined, descriptive. Never mind me, I can't find other words to describe the book, and I'm still in chapter 14. I haven't finished it yet, so to those who have already read, no spoilers please.

But of course to those who haven't read this yet, get ready to be entranced with this gripping tale of books, love, and history. I am recommending this because it has art within the deepest pages, and you'll surely love it. I already love it.

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