Thursday 18 July 2013

And so...

For the third time, I changed my template. A strange incident has happened: Clarice did this not out of sheer boredom, but with a decent reason! The stars above her head suddenly took another position!

This calls for madness. And oh, how I love to create stories regarding that one (no, I don't hurt people).

Unfortunately, Clarice goes back to normal: she decided to change her template again because she was bored.

And there is one possible chance that she might change it AGAIN.

I just hope that you won't be surprised. But fear not, because I, will work hard just to remain ... unchangeable (in terms of the template, that is).

And good news and apparently bad news: I will be changing my posting style for that reason. (No, no, no, not the time when I will post; it's what I write in those posts)

This is the second post that doesn't have a picture. I hope that fact isn't noticeable.

*Random announcement: I'm planning a novel within my fingers and keys and my lazy brain. Yes, that is both weird and normal. I have Writer's Block and I can't finish a short story (I finished one, but I ain't satisfied. Selfish me). Be brave, dear folks.

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