Saturday 6 July 2013

To Envision What Lies Beyond My Vision

My surreal drawing -- let there be more surreal drawings to come
To draw is my getaway when my Writer's Block gets a bit too far with its lodgings within me.

Sometimes I wonder when it will pay its bills; heck, it rented the place for 4 years, on and off, but constantly goes back whenever my serious meter is on vacation. Its debts, those freakin' debts. It owed a lot.

And this drawing is actually not a product of my easily-bored nature, but rather through the help of an activity that our teacher gave us during the hazy lazy Wednesday. And I just finished it early in the afternoon, for I was looking forward to what I got. And of course I got that (above) as a result.

Now, I'm off to explain it all. What is drawing all about? What is the drawing for? Why did I draw it in black and white? Was my life that miserable? Was I badly in need of weird-looking glowing balls (yes, they are glowing) hanged above my computer?

Pardon the second-to-last and the last ones, of course. First of all (and this includes the second question), the objective of this activity was to see what we can see of our (most likely) planned future. I know, the drawing isn't very clear with its objectives, but I prefer doing it with surrealism tastes, with weird architecture and a extreme makeover from my original appearance (I doubt if I will be able to comb my hair after 16 years).

And so. Let me envision this to your minds. I write (like an amatuer who just got out of the pen's tip) and I love to do so (W.B. will work hard to carry out its evil plans). I simply can't describe the amazing and unstoppable feeling that I gained once I start to type or write. From my mind, the ideas and weird plans are transported to my restless fingers and the fingers will later transport them to a mechanical device, which I proudly call the computer.

To make a story short, I just wanted to be an author of the published books that I made by myself. I wish to do something different (in a way that I can interact with other people easily, for I am shy).

The colors that the drawing has -- wait, it's only black and white. Black and white. White that comes from the former blank paper, and black that comes from the ink. There was no added color at all (except black).

The dim colors represents something, at least in my own point of view. It symbolizes the doubt and uncertainty as I drew this drawing; this is the future I was going to draw. The future isn't set in stone, it moves around like flatworms in our stomach. And because of that weird feeling of doubt that I have, I decided to remain it as that, because if I will add some color, that means that everything is clear to me, and I don't have anything to worry.

Sometimes I expect a lot. So I will not expect anything, instead I will work like a bee and still not expect anything. Disappointment hits you with Thor's hammer when you expect like a bummer expecting to be discovered by a star-producer. But I force these lazy fingers of mine to work; what can you get from out of thin air?

And I dream a lot (yes, I am an ambitious person, but let it stay within me, it's not a good thing, sometimes). Because dreams can be both predictable and unpredictable. What if your dreams happened but in a reversed way? (That would be both awesome and non-awesome). And it's a really good thing to know what you wanted to be, because you are simply guided.

And I myself am guided (with this drawing). I know what my goal is. And it is to be a writer.

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