Wednesday 3 July 2013

An Experience That I Call: An Experience

It feels funny when your dog suddenly pounced on you after not seeing each other for 2 months.

Yes, I missed the old guy too, and he probably missed me too, but either that or he just wanted to eat some of my leftovers. I humbly chose the latter, of course.

He was an orange-brown mutt, a crossbreed of multinomial genes from different fathers. That is how unique the dogs here in our area are. His mother, proudly named as Inday Rosing, mothered probably a huge group of pups. I'm not even sure myself, but I can remember losing count of the pups that we gave and have. The word 'huge' doesn't do it justice, though.

It was summer, the months where people in the West go basking out in the sun, and where people in the East stay all soggy and groggy within their houses and lazily fanning their hands to give them short-lived pleasure. You don't believe me? We are all bummers. We all do that.

And since it was summer, it was the time where lazy days suddenly gets faster like a cow running after the car that has that oh-so-yummy-green-grass, where days suddenly slows down like a turtle running to get the last Nutella on sale. Both amazing and traumatizing. You simply sit around.

But not with my dog. That dog, who barks like a dog, but he barks like a cow too, for crying out loud. (Sounds familiar? Check out this link that has my What? poem: He was like a person whom you are talking to and you suddenly find out that he wasn't listening to you, but rather, he was looking at you hungrily. No, not that kind of hungry.

Not the I-want-to-eat-you hungry. Not the I-will-attack-my-owner hungry.

No, it was more of the I-want-to-jump-on-my-owner hungry.

Of all the I-am-hungry categories that he has chosen, he has chosen that one. I shuddered every time I actually remembered. Those claws. A dog's claw is something both fluffy and terrifying. A fluffy patch of cuddly fur compared to a human's perfectly plain and extremely-sensitive skin-oriented hand. And simply one of the most terrifying parts of the complex dog anatomy: the PAW.

It can:
*Scratch your eyes out
*Scratch you with the CLAWS
*Hit you with the POWER

And yet it was one of the best plushy toys that I get to touch once every time he attempted to stand up on his hind legs and I will hold both of his paws to get the feels. The fluffy and puffy feels.

But it never feels the same anymore. Especially when two -- no, wait, four paws of heavy gallons of dog strength was suddenly on me. And the dog was acting like a silly dog who just acts like a dog (you know, there are dogs that doesn't act like a dog. My dog is one of them, in some ways).

While I was staring absentmindedly at the blue, blue, wonderfully blue sky, my dog was chasing his tail around and around and around, until the silly and adorable one was able to catch it with his mouth. And he let go, and the chase started again. And of course, I would try to stop him, because I did that thrice (I don't have a tail, I'm sorry, I don't chase tails), and the results were both remarkable and headache-causing.

All in all, he was the best dog. One of the best experience. The best of the best experience will remain reserved for now.

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